Yesterday when I was researching I came across the term catalina in one of the articles and had no idea what it was refering to so I decided to look it up today. Turns out it's the term for the little machine and the coupons it prints out on the end of your reciept at most grocery stores. Surprizingly there is a method to their madness. Untill now I thought they were just junk and most of the time I would discard them but the truth is they can help you score some great deals.
Catalina coupons are earned when you purchase select participating items. There is no comprehensive list of catalina deals but you can find some on and look for others in notices that print from the catalina machine. Catalina coupons can be earned a few different ways including, spending a certain amount of money on certain products, purchasing a certain number of a product, direct marketing from a company trying to get you to buy their product (triggered by your purchases). They can come in the form of a dollar amount offer your next order, a dollar amount off a specific product, or a special offer. Most catalina coupons can only be used at the store where you earned them but some times manufacturers coupons will be printed which can be used anywhere.
I think catalinas will become very helpful for getting discounts on items that I can't find coupons for and for cutting down on my total cost because I will be able to earn dollar amounts off of my total purchase.
.......who knew that those coupons at the end of the reciept have a name and could actually be useful
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