To whom it may concern at ______________________,
My name is Clarissa Kelsey. I am currently a senior at Northern Burlington High School participating in a class called Senior Research Seminar. Senior Research Seminar is an individualized research project that extends beyond the classroom. In conducting research, students are required to secure a Northern Burlington staff member to serve as mentor, maintain a weekly journal, and develop their research. As a culminating experience, students present their findings to an evaluative panel of staff, students and community members. I have chosen the topic of “Extreme Couponing”. My goal is to learn how to effectively use coupons to benefit myself and my community. As part of my initial research I am trying to understand how coupons work and how to use them to their maximum potential in order to earn the best deals possible. Eventually I hope to plan shopping trips to purchase items for little to no cost. I’m looking forward to shopping in your store with coupons. I am asking for your support in my project and would like to request a copy of your store’s coupon policy. Any additional information that you think would be useful in my research would also be greatly appreciated. Can you please clarify your policy and answer these questions?
· What kinds of coupons do you accept? (manufacturer coupons, printable coupons, e-coupons on my loyalty card)
· Do you offer store coupons? Where may I find them?
· May I use a store coupon and a manufacturer coupon on one item?
· Do you exclude any coupons? Ex: above $5 off, BOGO offers, coupons for free product?
· Do you accept Internet Printable Coupons? May I print them in black and white?
· Do you match competitor prices or take competitor coupons?
· What is your policy on overage: when the value of the coupon exceeds the value of the product?
· If the coupon exceeds the item’s value, do you adjust the price of the coupon down? Ex: $1.00 off coupon on $0.97 cent product.
· Do you limit the number of coupons I may use per transaction?
· Do your employees understand “one coupon per purchase=one coupon per item”, not “one coupon per transaction”?
· Does your store ever double or triple coupons?
· Concerning Buy One Get One offers: If your store runs a BOGO FREE promo, may I use 2 manufacturer coupons for the 2 products? Or may I only use one?
· Are individual stores allowed to impose their own rules or vary from this policy?
Please email your response at your earliest convenience. Thank you for taking the time to educate me on your store policies and for your support. You can check out my research and progress on my blog:
I talked with my source about interviewing someone in marketing for a manufacturer. She would like a well-written e-mail that she can forward to several people in the marketing area of a few manufacturers. We can work on that tomorrow. Good job with your letter/survey. So, I noticed your journals are not up-to-date. The idea is for you to journal daily, not play catch up, ok?.